Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Do you watch other people when you dance?

I've put off writing because it seems like my life is either a travelogue of places I visit...which perhaps is not that bad. Or perhaps, it is the irony I see in life. I would have that that by now we would not be discussing the Hurricane Katrina. My friend's refugees just left yesterday. I do not know where they moved to. I have a hard time understanding how perfect strangers could live in someone's home for so long. Even the Centroplex, which was a shelter, 'kicked' people out a couple of weeks ago. They knew when the welcome was over and that was a public facility.

We are all so different. When you dance, do you watch other people dance? I mean, like are you a people watcher? It seems like the older I get, the more I watch and the more I don't get it. But then, I'm probably not supposed to.