Wednesday, November 19, 2003

Spam on Toast

There is something terribly unappealing about the word "spam", isn't there? I mean just the word alone conjures up nasty thoughts. I don't mean vulgar, but cheap. One has to wonder what the sick individual is doing on the other end creating all of that garbage. I think the sending it out would be a repetitious task that any non-thinker could do but to create it in mass quantity. Wow. Then, there are those seductive ones that occasionally you will read as if someone is pecking away lonely at the keys of their PC looking for some horny man. Once again, how sick do you have to be? What could their goal possibly be? If they wanted to desensitize us, they probably have. I see the word p___s now and don't run into another room hysterical. However, I do have it on my spam blocker as I have all of the products I could grace my husband with. However, I'll just keep blocking and deleting until the government or someone else finds a really good way to get rid of this stuff. I sure wish the groups I subscribe to would kick these people off...